Notes on the procedure for...
- Additional achievement (voluntary, not counting towards degree)
- Admission and registration certificate for examinations
- Application for a higher semester
- Application for Master's degree before proof of Bachelor's degree
- Application to a degree program of the KIT faculty
- Appointment request for study counseling by mail
- Bachelor's thesis: Declaration on the independent preparation of theses
- Bachelor's thesis: Extension of the submission deadline via application (in the WiWi portal)
- Bachelor's thesis, externally at a company
- Bachelor's thesis, processing time
- Bachelor's thesis, registration, processing and completion
- Bachelor's thesis, topics offered internally and externally by the faculty and by companies
- BAFöG, certificate according to §48
- Business Administration: Courses and examinations offered according to the old structure after conversion of the basic studies from WS 21/22
- Career portal of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
- Certificate of Title (after successful completion of the degree program)
- Change of version of a module
- Completion of studies: Last achievement / re-registration
- Compulsory seminars in the Master's degree program in Information Systems (SPO 2019)
- Corona semester: Extension of SPO deadlines and the standard period of study
- Counseling appointment by mail
- Exam registration
- Exam registration and admission via certificate
- Examination entitlement/loss
- Examination period of a semester, calculation
- Examinations for Master still in Bachelor (only KIT-WiWi internal)
- English translations (diploma programs)
- Extension of the deadline for graduation: procedure/application
- Master's admission TVWL/WiIng - pre-study internship
- Master's thesis: Declaration on the independent preparation of theses
- Master's thesis: Extension of the submission deadline via application (in the WiWi-Portal)
- Master's thesis, externally at a company
- Master's thesis, registration/processing and completion
- Master's thesis, topics offered internally and externally by the faculty and companies
- Master's preferential benefits: Registration in the Bachelor's degree
- Mathematics: Courses and examinations offered according to the old structure after conversion of the basic studies from WS 21/22
- Medical certificate
- Module: Change of version
- Partner network of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
- Placement in a higher semester
- Preference for Master's examinations (in the Bachelor's program)
- Preference for Master's examinations in the Bachelor's degree in Information Management (according to SPO 2009)
- Preferential Master's credits: Crediting in the Master
- Preliminary certificate of passed performance (4.0 certificate)
- Professional internship, certificate for the internship position
- Professional internship for admission to the Master's program (WiIng and TVWL)
- Professional internship, procedure for recognition (industrial engineering, technical economics, postgraduate studies in economics)
- Professional internship, procedure for approval and recognition (Business Mathematics Master according to SPO 2009)
- Professional internship, recognition of alternative work formats (in Dipl. WiIng and TVWL)
- Rebooking a module or a study and examination achievement (online form)
- Recognition and crediting of study and examination achievements (from previous studies for application/placement in a higher semester, from studies abroad)
- Recognition of Master's credits (from Bachelor's additional subject)
- Recognition of work placement (InWi)
- Recognition of work placement (WiIng, TVWL)
- Relative performance grading - Ranking
- Replacement of a passed examination (not for Bachelor's and Master's degree programs from SPO 2015)
- Replacement of a passed examination by rebooking as additional work (all WIWI-SPO from 2015)
- Residence permit / immigration authority - graduation prognosis
- Second repetition of an examination, application
- Semester dates and deadlines
- Semester off - General/Examinations
- Seminar module, crediting and booking (M/BSc.-WiIng, -TVWL; SPO 2015)
- Seminar module - no seminar place shortly before graduation
- Seminar paper: Declaration on the independent preparation of seminar papers
- Starting your studies at the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
- Student counseling
- Student research project: Declaration on the independent preparation of student research projects
- Study center for the visually impaired
- Study financing
- Study organization at KIT in general (applications, forms, certificates,...)
- Term paper: Declaration on the independent preparation of term papers
- Thesis: Declaration on the independent preparation of theses
- Top-class sport and studying at KIT
- Transition from Bachelor's to Master's program
- Transfer from Bachelor to Master in the same WiWi degree program within the KIT
- Tutor activity in the WiWi basics course - crediting as ÜQ in the seminar module Master WiIng / TVWL