Doctorate at KIT

Depending on the focus of the doctorate, the KIT Faculty of Economics awards either the academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences (Dr. rer.pol) or of Engineering Sciences (Dr.-Ing.). Successful doctoral candidates have proven through the doctoral thesis and the final dissertation that they are capable of independent scientific work and of clearly presenting the research results of their economics topic.
The prerequisite for a doctorate is the successful completion of a university master's degree program in economics or a degree recognized as equivalent. Likewise, particularly qualified graduates of universities of applied sciences and universities of cooperative education can apply for a doctorate.
In principle, doctoral studies are possible in all teaching and research areas of the KIT Faculty of Economics. In the run-up to the doctorate, a professor or a university or private lecturer of the faculty should agree to supervise the dissertation. Inquiries can be directed to the individual institutes.
Support of young scientists
KIT and the KIT-Department of Economic and Management would like to support doctoral studies as comprehensively as possible. In addition to (very) good supervision by the doctoral supervisor, many KIT facilities can contribute to this.
- KHYS - Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists
Information about support measures, foyer talks, PhD days, symposia, FIT-course offerings and much more - Further education program for young scientists of the personnel development department
Workshops, seminars and lectures to enhance interdisciplinary competence - BW certificate in cooperation with the Center for Higher Education Didactics (HDZ)
Extensive training measures and the motto "Teaching and Learning - any events/lectures of the existing teaching program can be attended in order to deepen individual knowledge
- workshops organized by the chairs
- scientific lecture series of the institutes (announced on the homepage of the faculty)
- fireside chats for contact with IT companies
- Convention and KHYS network
The Convention is an official body of scientific and academic employees
KHYS network is the network of the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists for PhD students and postdocs of KIT. - Mittelbau representation of the faculty council
- Childcare
- Guidelines for the Doctorate at KIT
- ...
Application for acceptance
The application for acceptance as a doctoral student can be submitted in writing to the KIT Faculty of Economics if the admission requirements for the doctorate are fulfilled. An enrollment for the purpose of doctoral studies is required at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, exemption from the enrollment requirement is possible. Please register with Docata, the web portal for early career researchers at KIT, where you will find support for all administrative processes during the doctoral phase.
Further details on the requirements, the application procedure and the doctoral process can be found in the applicable doctoral regulations.
A guide to the doctorate from the application for acceptance to the doctoral procedure is offered on the pages of the Mittelbauvertretung des Fakultätsrates and the Doktorandenkonvent.