Student life at the faculty

Teaching, research and innovation go hand in hand with the activities of a faculty's students. From the very beginning, the KIT Faculty of Business and Economics has therefore promoted a lively exchange between the institutes and professors and their students.

The result of this stimulating interaction is a living and breathing partnership that extends far beyond graduation. In committees, clubs and interest groups it is possible to make friends, build networks and develop key skills.

You can find a selection of student organizations, initiatives and communities here:

WiWi Student CouncilStudent Council of the KIT Faculty of Business and Economics
AIESECInternational Student Association (pay for internships abroad)
ESN KarlsruheErasmus Student Network (study abroad)
bonding-studenteninitiative e.V.Association of technically and economically oriented students
Stock Exchange Initiative Karlsruhe e.V.Information platform for stock exchange and finance
Debate KarlsruheDebating club of the University of Karlsruhe (TH), learn free speech and rhetoric
delta e.V. - Student Business ConsultancyStudent consultancy Karlsruhe
EnactusSocial Entrepreneurship
Engineers Without BordersInternational engineering projects in countries of the global South
Forum Informationswirtschaft e.V.Association of students of the information economy
Forum Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V.Association of students of business informatics
FUKSInterdisciplinary management consultancy for Karlsruhe students
University Golf e.V.Golf for students and staff
KITcarCognitive Autonomous Racing
LEANLean University Group
linkitThe Industry 4.0 university group
Network Deutschlandstipendium Karlsruhe e.V.Network of current Deutschlandstipendium scholarship holders, alumni and sponsors
Pioneer GarageFrom Student to Start-Up
R.I.S.K.Risk Initiative Stochastics Karlsruhe
she.codesGetting girls interested in computer science and technical topics
studentecStudent engineering office
talKITtalKIT - The Technology Forum e.V.
Tour Eucor

120 participants, 3 countries, over 600 kilometers

VWI / ESTIEMAssociation of German Industrial Engineers - University Group Karlsruhe
Zwei Personen fahren mit einem Fahrrad
Housing and living in Karlsruhe
Smartphone mit KIT Logo drauf lehnt an einem Baum
Broadening horizons

Extracurricular qualifications at KIT

Mehr erfahren
Zwei Personen hüpfen in die Luft
University sport