Teaching, research and innovation go hand in hand with the activities of a faculty's students. From the very beginning, the KIT Faculty of Business and Economics has therefore promoted a lively exchange between the institutes and professors and their students.
The result of this stimulating interaction is a living and breathing partnership that extends far beyond graduation. In committees, clubs and interest groups it is possible to make friends, build networks and develop key skills.
You can find a selection of student organizations, initiatives and communities here:
WiWi Student Council | Student Council of the KIT Faculty of Business and Economics |
AIESEC | International Student Association (pay for internships abroad) |
ESN Karlsruhe | Erasmus Student Network (study abroad) |
bonding-studenteninitiative e.V. | Association of technically and economically oriented students |
Stock Exchange Initiative Karlsruhe e.V. | Information platform for stock exchange and finance |
Debate Karlsruhe | Debating club of the University of Karlsruhe (TH), learn free speech and rhetoric |
delta e.V. - Student Business Consultancy | Student consultancy Karlsruhe |
Enactus | Social Entrepreneurship |
Engineers Without Borders | International engineering projects in countries of the global South |
Forum Informationswirtschaft e.V. | Association of students of the information economy |
Forum Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V. | Association of students of business informatics |
FUKS | Interdisciplinary management consultancy for Karlsruhe students |
University Golf e.V. | Golf for students and staff |
KITcar | Cognitive Autonomous Racing |
LEAN | Lean University Group |
linkit | The Industry 4.0 university group |
Network Deutschlandstipendium Karlsruhe e.V. | Network of current Deutschlandstipendium scholarship holders, alumni and sponsors |
Pioneer Garage | From Student to Start-Up |
R.I.S.K. | Risk Initiative Stochastics Karlsruhe |
she.codes | Getting girls interested in computer science and technical topics |
studentec | Student engineering office |
talKIT | talKIT - The Technology Forum e.V. |
Tour Eucor | 120 participants, 3 countries, over 600 kilometers |
VWI / ESTIEM | Association of German Industrial Engineers - University Group Karlsruhe |

Housing and living in Karlsruhe

Broadening horizons
Extracurricular qualifications at KIT
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University sport