Application and admission

Dokumente für Bewerbung Master Wirtschaftsingenieur KITKarlsruher Institut für Technologie

Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management

The statutes for the university's own admission and selection procedure for the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) contain all information on the application and selection process for this degree program. We have compiled answers to frequently asked questions about this process on this page. If you cannot find an answer to your question here, you are welcome to contact Janina Schmidt by e-mail: janina.schmidt2∂





Questions and answers about the Master's application and selection

Selection and assessment
1. Where can I find everything I need to know about the selection process for the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management?

In the statutes for the university's own admission and selection procedure for the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT. Here you can find the reading version:

2. How is the selection made?

Applicants are ranked according to points.

  • The final grade of the qualifying Bachelor's degree program is assessed with a maximum of 60 points.
  • The previous academic achievements in the fields of mathematics and/or statistics are added with a maximum of 30 points.

The total score is 90 points. If additional points have to be proven in other subject areas, these do not count towards the total number of points. These are necessary to fulfill the admission requirements.

3. Which achievements count towards the subject area of mathematics and/or statistics?

Basic knowledge of mathematics and/or statistics, e.g. higher mathematics, linear algebra, statistics I. The Bachelor's module handbook for Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT provides an initial orientation:

The following are not recognized

  • Achievements in which the basics are applied in practice
  • Achievements in the field of Operations Research
  • Seminar papers and theses

The selection committee will review all submitted documents after the application deadline. Please understand that due to the large number of degree programs and different achievements, an individual examination by the selection committee is necessary. It is therefore not possible to make a preliminary assessment. The selection committee meets after the application deadline and considers all reviewed documents submitted by January 15 (cut-off deadline for the summer semester) or July 15 (cut-off deadline for the winter semester).

4. Does it give me an advantage if my degree is among the top 10 percent of graduates in the qualifying year?
First of all, congratulations on your excellent degree! Among other things, this gives you an advantage when it comes to the minimum credits required in mathematics and/or statistics. Instead of 20 credit points, you only need to provide proof of 15 credit points for the admission requirements. Please also note point 10 of this list/Admission requirements.
5. Are there credits for extracurricular activities?
In the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management, no extracurricular achievements are taken into account in the selection process. It is therefore not necessary to submit the certificates.
6. Are achievements that I have completed as part of an exchange program recognized?
Yes of course, please refer to point 15 of this list.
7. Are credits from previous degree programs recognized?
Yes, of course, but please also refer to point 15 of this list.
8. Do I have to enclose a letter of motivation with my application?
No, in the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT, no letter of motivation is used for the selection decision. A letter of motivation does not earn any additional points.
9. Is proof of internship required for the application?
No, the internship is no longer an admission requirement since the publication of the new selection statutes of November 2023 and therefore does not have to be proven. Proof does not earn any additional points.
10. Which degree programs are generally eligible for admission to meet the admission requirements?
In principle, all passed Bachelor's degrees in an economics, engineering or computer science degree program are eligible for admission. If the Bachelor's degree is not in industrial engineering, business informatics, business mathematics or digital economics, 20 credit points in engineering and/or computer science subjects and at least 20 credit points in economics subjects are also required. Here, too, it is an advantage if you are among the top 10 percent of graduates in the qualifying year. If this is the case, you can also be admitted if you only have 15 credit points each in engineering and/or computer science subjects and economics subjects. Please also refer to points 4 and 16 of this FAQ list.
11. Can I apply for the Master's degree program even if I have not yet completed my Bachelor's degree program at the time of application?
Yes, this is possible if you have completed your Bachelor's degree in good time before the start of the Master's degree program. In this case, the provisional average grade will be taken into account. The later final grade will then no longer play a role in the selection process.
12. Is the degree program subject to admission restrictions?
The degree program is admission-restricted, i.e. if there are more applicants than there are places available, a selection will be made from among the applicants.


Documents to be submitted
13. Which documents do I have to enclose with my application?

In the second sentence of Section 3 "Form of application" of the admission regulations for the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management, you will find a clear overview of which documents are required:

14. Which documents are required to assess my academic achievements?
The module handbook descriptions with details of the exact content, scope and objectives of the course. Please also note points 13 and 15 of this list.
15. How can I prove that the submitted coursework does not overlap?
This should be certified by a responsible department at the university where the additional credits were earned (e.g. examiner, examination office, head of department). Please enclose module handbook descriptions of the relevant partial credits with your application.
16. How can I prove that I am among the top 10 percent of graduates in the qualifying year?
The proof must have been issued by an official body (e.g. student office or examination board) with a signature or a qualified electronic signature. It may also be the case that this information is noted in the final documents. In this case, you are welcome to mark the appropriate place in your submitted documents.
17. How can I prove that I have sufficient German and English language skills?

This is regulated by the admission and matriculation regulations of KIT:

In §5 (3) and (4) of these regulations you will find information on which proof of language proficiency is accepted.

KIT students who require proof of English for their Master's application can, for example, take part in the free UNIcert course program during their Bachelor's degree and receive a certificate. Further information can be found here:

18. In which language do I have to submit the necessary documents for the application?
If the documents required for the application are not in German or English, an officially certified translation into German must be submitted.
19. Do I always have to submit the entire module handbook for my qualifying Bachelor's degree program?
No, this is neither necessary nor desirable. A complete module handbook does not earn you any additional points ;-). It is always helpful to enclose an overview of which academic achievements are relevant from the applicant's point of view in order to prove the required credit points in the various subjects. You are also welcome to list achievements that were not completed as part of the qualifying degree program. In such cases, please also enclose the descriptions of the relevant achievements from the external module handbook with the application!


General information
20. Where can I find all the important information about the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management at a glance?
21. Why should I study Industrial Engineering at KIT?

The Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT is characterized by a very flexible and individual curriculum design. You do not have to decide on a technical focus in advance and can choose your major according to your own interests and strengths.

Computer science training is an important element of the KIT degree program, which is why you will be ideally prepared for the digitalized professional world.

The KIT Faculty of Economics is one of the largest university training centers for industrial engineers in Germany and the degree program is anchored in its own faculty. As a result, the courses in economics and computer science are directly aligned with the prior knowledge and needs of industrial engineering.

According to the 2021 graduate survey, over 87% of graduates of the KIT Master's program are very satisfied to satisfied with the program. The majority of graduates appreciate the opportunities for specialization and the topicality of the course content in relation to practical requirements. According to the alumni, the most important skills acquired during the course include analytical skills, independent work, organizational skills and interdisciplinary thinking.

Graduates of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics mainly work in the following areas after graduation:

  • Consulting/corporate/business consulting
  • Purchasing/logistics and sales
  • Research/development/science
  • project management
  • Software development/programming

You can get insights into the degree program and current information on our Instagram channel ∂kitwiwi as well as on the LinkedIn page of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and our website:

22. Can I apply without a school leaving certificate?

In principle, it is possible to apply for any undergraduate degree program at any type of university in Baden-Württemberg with certain professional qualifications. You can find important information here:

23. Where can I find answers to general questions about formal application and enrollment at KIT?

Student services for students :

Applicants from non-EU countries can find further helpful information here: International Students Office:


24. Are there counseling services for choosing a degree program and applying?

The Central Student Advisory Service at KIT regularly offers events on the topic "For the Master's at KIT?". In addition, counseling sessions can be arranged by telephone, in person or via Zoom:

You can also experience the green, central KIT campus live on Campus Day with many events: