Digital Economics (B.Sc.)

From the winter semester 2023/24, the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) 2023 with a separate curriculum will apply to all first-year students. Application is possible for the first time from winter semester 2023/24.

Structure of the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics

SPO 2023: Valid for students from the first semester class WS 2023/24

The Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics has a standard period of study of six semesters and comprises 180 credit points. The foundation program is methodologically oriented and leads to the acquisition of the fundamentals important for Digital Economics. From the fourth semester onwards, students deepen their specialist knowledge, which can be tailored to their personal interests and goals within the curriculum.

The following diagram shows the subject and module structure with the allocation of credit points (CP), which is valid from the winter semester 2023/24. The distribution of modules and courses in the foundation program over the semesters is recommended in this form.

Illustration: Structure of the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics(recommendation)


Foundation program

In the foundation program, the modules shown from the subjects Digital Economics, Economics, Business Administration, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics & Econometrics, Operations Research and Social Sciences are compulsory. From the 3rd semester onwards, there are elective options (e.g. elective module in Economics).

Specialization program

Three modules from the subjects of Economics, Business Administration, Computer Science, Operations Research, Statistics and Social Sciences are freely selectable in the specialization program or compulsory elective area (green).

Two seminar modules must also be taken as part of the compulsory elective area. The Economics seminar (Bachelor) is a compulsory component with 3 ECTS.

The Economics and Technology team project is also part of the elective module. Here, students work in interdisciplinary teams to develop solutions to real problems.


It is up to the individual study planning (taking into account the relevant specifications in the study and examination regulations and any module regulations) in which semester the selected module examinations are started or completed. However, it is strongly recommended to follow the proposal for the foundation program. The contents of the courses are coordinated accordingly, also across disciplines; the absence of overlapping courses and examination dates is guaranteed within the semester of the curriculum.

All modules of the foundation and specialization programme, including content and options, are described in the module handbook. Seminars that can be taken as part of the seminar module are published in the Wiwi-Portal.

To the top

Valid for students up to the first semester class WS 2023/24

The description of the Bachelor's degree program Digital Economics according to the Study and Examination Regulations 2023 can be found in the corresponding module handbook.

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree course in Digital Economics are familiar with the transformation processes in the economy and society associated with advancing digitalization and their effects on competition policy, macroeconomics and social policy.

They are able to analyze these processes as they acquire sound methodological knowledge in mathematics, statistics, operations research, econometrics, economics and business administration, law, computer science and business informatics.

Graduates also have in-depth skills in the fields of digital economics, financial digital economics, economics, applied computer science with machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as digitalization and society with ethical and sociological aspects of digital transformation.

Graduates work largely independently in the relevant and often interdisciplinary subject areas. They analyze and model subject-specific problems and select suitable methods and procedures to solve them and derive potential for improvement. They know how to validate, illustrate and interpret the results obtained from an interdisciplinary perspective. Based on their experience with seminar papers, a Bachelor's thesis and a team project, they are able to methodically develop, present and discuss content in depth, both individually and in group work.

They are familiar with the international relevance of the topics and are able to work on and communicate them in both German and English.

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics are able to assume responsibility in interdisciplinary teams, taking into account scientific, social and ethical aspects, argue in a subject-related and interdisciplinary manner and defend their point of view vis-à-vis specialist representatives and laypersons. They have the ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired in all areas of public administration, in non-governmental organizations and in all areas of the private sector affected by digitalization, as well as to take up the research-oriented Master's degree course in Digital Economics or a related course.