Experience "Uni live"

HörsaalKIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

If you would like to find out more about everyday university life and get an idea of what it is like to study in Karlsruhe, you are cordially invited to spend a day on campus. Here you can expect a diverse and exciting range of activities and the opportunity to experience the university "live".

topMINT orientation semester

Are you planning to start a Bachelor's degree course at KIT in the winter semester 2024/2025? You don't yet know which specific STEM degree program to choose? You are not sure whether your basic knowledge in the subjects of mathematics, computer science, physics and chemistry is sufficient? Then the topMINT orientation semester offers you optimal support in choosing and preparing for your studies.

The following requirements must be met to participate:

  • University entrance qualification (HZB, e.g. Abitur or equivalent)
  • Letter of motivation
  • International applicants must provide proof of sufficient German language skills for university admission
  • Further information

The application deadline is March 31, 2024 and must be submitted online via the KIT application portal. Application instructions can be found here.

Details on the content and structure of the orientation semester as well as further information can be found here.

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Girls' Day

Every year in April, the nationwide Girls'Day - Girls' Future Day invites schoolgirls from year 5 onwards to get a taste of companies and businesses, research centers and other institutions. Numerous offers from the university on the subject of degree courses or apprenticeships are available at www.girls-day.de. Boys are of course also very welcome here.

The next Girl's Day will take place on April 25, 2024 . The KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics will also be taking part again with the following interactive workshops:


You can find an overview of the KIT-wide offers here.


Studying industrial engineering or business informatics at KIT?

Dear prospective students,

Are you considering studying Industrial Engineering, Business Informatics or Digital Economics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)?

The KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics would like to support you in your study decision and offers online information events where you can ask your questions about the degree program.

  • How are the degree programs structured?
  • How does studying at KIT differ from studying at other universities?
  • What career prospects do I have?
  • What should I bear in mind when applying?
  • ...

We look forward to your participation and questions.

Registration for participation is not required. You can find the link to the Zoom meeting below.

Dates of the information events:

  • Monday, June 17 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. I To the event

Do you have any questions about the online information event or would you like to submit questions in advance? Then please contact Melanie Ungemach(melanie.ungemach∂kit.edu)

The ZSB also offers further advice on studying in general and on study orientation.

Find out about current events and advisory services.


Logo Campustag Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Campus Day at KIT

On June 8, 2024, the Campus Day at KIT will take place for the third time.

A varied program will be offered, where you can get to know the KIT and its study programs. Further information can be found here in good time before the event.

uni fuer einsteiger symbolbild
Study information day

The next study information day will take place on Wednesday, November 22, 2024 at KIT.

Get to know KIT with all its study programs and special features on this day.

Further information will be available here and on the website of the Central Student Advisory Service in fall 2024.

Fotographie einer Vorlesung

Getting a taste of a lecture is a good way to gain a first impression of studying. It's less about understanding the content and more about experiencing how a lecture works and how teaching at university differs from school.

In lectures, university lecturers give talks on a specific topic, while exercises and tutorials are used to study the material in greater depth. In addition, many students meet outside the lectures to go through the lecture content again in small groups and clarify any unanswered questions together.

As part of the "Studieren probieren" program, you have the opportunity to attend a lecture at the KIT Faculty of Business and Economics.

The lecture periods at KIT are mid-October to mid-February and mid-April to the end of July. And the best time for a non-binding taster is during the large introductory lectures of the first two Bachelor's semesters. You can find an overview of the introductory lectures here .

If you are unsure which lectures are most suitable, you are welcome to contact the Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) at KIT. Appointments can be made online .

Further information can also be found in this flyer.

For those interested in the Bachelor's degree courses, the lectures of the core program offer an insight into the course content.

If you would like to get an impression of the courses on offer and the options in the Master's degree programs, you can find information in the .

You can find the current one here: Course catalog.


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Students at KIT

The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) is KIT's central student advisory service for pupils, prospective students and students. Here you will receive information on the degree programs offered at KIT and support in choosing a degree program and starting your studies

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology offers extensive opportunities to find out about the wide range of courses on offer. The offers range from science camps and student labs to the KIT Children's University.

This brochure summarizes what is on offer. Find out more and take advantage of the exciting offers.