Archive module handbooks for the degree programs



Industrial Engineering (B.Sc./M.Sc.)

  Bachelor program Master program
WS 2024/25 Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2024 Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2023/2024 Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2023 Module Handbook Module Handbook
WS 2022/23 Module Handbook Module Handbook
SS 2022 Module Handbook Module handbook
WS 2021/22 Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2021 Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2020/21 Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2020 Module Handbook Module handbook
WS 2019/20 Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2019: Module Handbook Module handbook
WS 2018/19: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2018: Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2017/18: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2017: Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2016/17: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2016: Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2015/16: Module handbook (SPO 2015) Module handbook (SPO 2015)
Module handbook (SPO 2007) Module handbook (SPO 2007)
SS 2015: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2014/15: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2014: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2013/14: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2013: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2012/13: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2012: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2011/12: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2011: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2010/11: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2010: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2009/10: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2009: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)

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Digital Economics (B.Sc./M.Sc.)

  Bachelor program Master's program
WS 2024/25 Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2024 Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2023/24 Module handbook Module handbook

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Economics Engineering (B.Sc./M.Sc.)

  Bachelor program Master's program
WS 2024/25 Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2024 Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2023/24 Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2023: Module Handbook Module handbook
WS 2022/23: Module handbook Module Handbook
SS 2022: Module Handbook Module handbook
WS 2021/22: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2021: Module Handbook Module handbook
WS 2020/21: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2020: Module Handbook Module handbook
WS 2019/20: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2019: Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2018/19: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2018: Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2017/18: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2017: Module handbook Module handbook
WS 2016/2017: Module handbook Module handbook
SS 2016: Module Handbook Module handbook
WS 2015/16: Module handbook (SPO 2015) Module handbook (SPO 2015)
Module handbook (SPO 2007) Module handbook (SPO 2007)
SS 2015: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2014/15: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2014: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2013/14: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2013: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2012/13: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2012: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2011/12: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2011: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2010/11: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2010: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
WS 2009/10: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)
SS 2009: Module handbook (long) Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short) Module handbook (short)

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Information Management (B.Sc./M.Sc.)

Bachelor programMaster program
WS 2023/24Module handbookModule handbook
SS 2023Module HandbookModule Handbook
WS 2022/23Module HandbookModule Handbook
SS 2022Module HandbookModule handbook
WS 2021/22Module handbookModule handbook
SS 2021Module handbookModule handbook
WS 2020/21Module handbookModule handbook
SS 2020Module HandbookModule handbook
WS 2019/20Module handbookModule handbook
SS 2019:Module HandbookModule handbook
WS 2018/19:Module handbookModule handbook
SS 2018:Module handbookModule handbook
WS 2017/18:Module handbookModule handbook
SS 2017:Module handbookModule handbook
WS 2016/2017:Module handbookModule handbook
SS 2016:Module HandbookModule handbook
WS 2015/16:Module handbook (SPO 2015)Module handbook (SPO 2015)
Module handbook (SPO 2009)Module handbook (SPO 2009)
SS 2015:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
WS 2014/15:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
SS 2014:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
WS 2013/14:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
SS 2013:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
WS 2012/13:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
SS 2012:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
WS 2011/12:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
SS 2011:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
WS 2010/11:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
SS 2010:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)
WS 2009/10:Module handbook (long)Module handbook (long)
Module handbook (short)Module handbook (short)

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