Current range of seminars
Current range of seminars
Below you will find a simple list of seminars from the course catalog.
Event | Type | ECTS* Degree [Brick] | Weekly Teaching Hours | First date Location | Language |
KIT Department of Economics and Management | |||||
1. Business Administration | |||||
Institute for Applied Business Studies and Management | Number of courses: Total: 8. German: 6. English: 2. | ||||
Seminar: Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) Nieken, Mitarbeiter |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Strategy and Management Theory: Developments and "Classics" (Master) Lindstädt |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
23.10.2024 14:00 10.50 Raum 604 |
De. |
Seminar: Human Resource Management (Bachelor) Nieken, Mitarbeiter |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Seminar Human Resource Management (Master) Nieken, Mitarbeiter |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Workshop Business Wargaming - Analyse strategischer Interaktionen (Master) Lindstädt |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Special Topics in Transportation Strategy Müller |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Master) Nieken, Mitarbeiter |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics Dickemann, Wouters |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Institute for Customer Insights (CIN) | Number of courses: Total: 9. German: 6. English: 6. | ||||
Seminar in Marketing and Sales (Bachelor) Klarmann, Mitarbeiter |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Positive Information Systems Knierim, del Puppo |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning Geyer-Schulz, Nazemi |
seminar (S) |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
24.10.2024 14:00 05.20 1C-01 |
De. |
Master Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning Geyer-Schulz, Nazemi |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
24.10.2024 15:45 05.20 1C-02 |
De. |
Human-Centered Systems Seminar: Engineering Mädche |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Business Data Analytics Grote, Motz, Schulz |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Behavioral Lab Exercise Nieken, Scheibehenne |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
4.5 (M.Sc.) |
4.5 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Human-Centered Systems Seminar: Research Mädche |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Smart Grids and Energy Markets Weinhardt, Semmelmann, Miskiw |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Institute for Entrepreneurship, Technology-Management and Innovation | Number of courses: Total: 8. German: 3. English: 5. | ||||
SIL Entrepreneurship Project Terzidis |
seminar (S) |
4 |
not specified not specified |
De | |
Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) Hirte |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
16.11.2024 09:00 05.20 1C-03 |
Engl. |
Startup Experience Martjan, Weimar, Terzidis |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
6 (M.Sc.) |
4 |
22.10.2024 09:00 |
Engl. |
Design Thinking (Track 1) Jochem, Terzidis, Malik |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
28.10.2024 09:30 |
Engl. |
Case studies seminar: Innovation management Weissenberger-Eibl |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
07.11.2024 09:45 10.50 Raum 604 |
De. |
Business Planning for Founders - Startup CFO Rosales Bravo, Terzidis |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) Wohlfeil, Wohlfeil |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
26.10.2024 10:00 05.20 1C-04 |
Engl. |
SIL Entrepreneurship Emphasis Terzidis |
seminar (S) |
4 |
not specified not specified |
De | |
Institute for Finance | Number of courses: Total: 7. German: 7. English: 0. | ||||
Finance Frontiers Ruckes, Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. | |
Seminar in Finance (Bachelor) Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Forschungsseminar Institut FBV Ruckes, Mitarbeiter, Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) |
not specified not specified |
De. | ||
Seminar in Finance (Master) Luedecke, Ruckes, Benz, Kohl, Sarac |
seminar (S) online |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Mitarbeiter- und Doktorandenseminar Luedecke, Hoang, Ruckes, Benz, Kohl |
seminar (S) |
not specified not specified |
De. | ||
Finance auf den Punkt gebracht Molnar, Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
not specified not specified |
De. | |
Forschungsseminar Lehrstuhl FED Mitarbeiter, Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
not specified not specified |
De. | ||
Institute for Industrial Production | |||||
Chair of Business Administration, Production and Operations Management | Number of courses: Total: 4. German: 4. English: 0. | ||||
Seminar in Production and Operations Management II Schultmann, Volk |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Seminar "Ausgewählte Forschungsergebnisse" Schultmann, Fichtner |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. | |
Seminar in Production and Operations Management I Schultmann, Rudi |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Seminar in Production and Operations Management Rosenberg, Schultmann |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Chair of Energy Economics | Number of courses: Total: 5. German: 5. English: 0. | ||||
Seminar in Energy Economics Fichtner, Sloot |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Seminar in Energy Economics Sandmeier, Fichtner |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Seminar "Ausgewählte Forschungsergebnisse" Schultmann, Fichtner |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. | |
Seminar in Energy Economics Kleinebrahm, Fichtner |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Seminar in Energy Economics Ardone, Slednev, Fichtner |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Institute of Information Systems | |||||
Chair of Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate | |||||
2. Economics and Statistics | |||||
Institute of Economy | Number of courses: Total: 19. German: 10. English: 14. | ||||
AI and Digitization for Society (Bachelor) Zhao |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Selected aspects of European transport planning and -modelling Szimba, Mitusch |
seminar (S) |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
21.10.2024 17:30 11.40 Seminarraum 214 |
De. |
Seminar in Macroeconomics I Frank, Pegorari, Brumm |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar III (Master) Kretz, Ammann |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Seminar Public Finance Schmelzer, Wigger |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
23.10.2024 14:00 05.20 1C-02 |
De. |
Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar I (Bachelor) Puppe, Okulicz, Kretz, Ammann |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar II (Bachelor) Puppe, Kretz, Ammann |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
AI and Digitization for Society (Master) Zhao |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
4.5 (M.Sc.) 3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Macroeconomic Research Seminar Hußmann, Pegorari, Brumm |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
2 |
24.10.2024 15:45 |
De | |
Topics in Experimental Economics Peters, Reiß |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. | |
Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar IV (Master) Puppe, Okulicz, Kretz, Ammann |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Seminar Game Theory and Behavioral Economics (Bachelor) Rau, Rosar |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) 4.5 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Seminar in Production and Operations Management Rosenberg, Schultmann |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Workshop on Economics, Finance and Statistics Nieken, Puppe, Wigger, Ruckes, Krüger, Ott, Reiß, Uhrig-Homburg, Schienle, Brumm |
seminar (S) |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
23.10.2024 17:30 30.28 Seminarraum 2 (R120) |
Engl. |
Diplomanden/Doktoranden- Workshop Mitusch |
seminar (S) |
2 |
21.10.2024 14:00 |
De. | |
Seminar Game Theory and Behavioral Economics (Master) Rau, Rosar |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
4.5 (M.Sc.) 3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Absolventenseminar Puppe, Okulicz, Kretz, Ammann |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
2 |
22.10.2024 17:30 |
De./Engl. | |
Seminar in Economic Policy Assistenten, Ott |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Institutskolloquium Puppe, Ehrhart, Szech, Ott, Reiß, Schienle |
seminar (S) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. | |
Institute for Statistics | Number of courses: Total: 2. German: 2. English: 1. | ||||
Topics in Econometrics Krüger, Rüter, Schienle |
seminar (S) |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Advanced Topics in Econometrics, Statistics and Data Science Buse, Bracher, Krüger, Rüter, Schienle, Sobolová |
seminar (S) |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
3. Operations Research and Statistics | |||||
Institute of Operations Research | Number of courses: Total: 8. German: 4. English: 4. | ||||
Seminar on Trending Topics in Optimization and Machine Learning (Master) Rebennack, Kandora, Warwicker |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Seminar on Trending Topics in Optimization and Machine Learning (Bachelor) Rebennack, Kandora, Warwicker |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Seminar on Energy and Power Systems Optimization (Bachelor) Rebennack, Kandora, Warwicker |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Seminar on Energy and Power Systems Optimization (Master) Rebennack, Kandora, Warwicker |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Seminar on Methodical Foundations of Operations Research (B) Beck, Schwarze, Stein |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
22.10.2024 11:30 05.20 1C-03 |
De. |
Spezielle Themen zu Statistik, Datenanalyse und maschinellem Lernen Kaplan, Grothe, Liu |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De |
Fortgeschrittene Themen zu Statistik, Datenanalyse und maschinellem Lernen (Master) Kaplan, Grothe, Liu |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De |
Seminar: Modern OR and Innovative Logistics Mitarbeiter, Nickel |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
4. Informatics | |||||
Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods | Number of courses: Total: 19. German: 17. English: 8. | ||||
Seminar Real-World Challenges in Data Science and Analytics (Master) Thoma, Käfer, Hoellig |
seminar/internship (S/P) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
3 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Seminar Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models (Master) Tan, Gesese, Norouzi, Sack, Vafaie |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
Engl. |
Security and Privacy Awareness Aldag, Veit, Volkamer, Boehm, Seidel-Saul |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
22.10.2024 11:30 05.20 1C-02 |
De./Engl. |
Seminar Programming 3 (Bachelor) Frister, Forell, Oberweis, Fritsch, Rybinski |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
22.10.2024 14:00 |
De |
Oberseminar: Angewandte technisch-kognitive Systeme Zöllner |
seminar (S) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De | |
Seminar Modeling and Simulation for Energy Systems (Master) Mostafa, Lazarova-Molnar |
seminar (S) |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
22.10.2024 09:45 05.20 1C-03 |
De |
Seminar Digital Twins with Lego: Hands-on Workshop in Data-driven Simulation (Master) Götz, Khodadadi, Lazarova-Molnar |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
4.5 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
23.10.2024 14:00 05.20 1C-03 |
De |
Seminar Collective Perception in Autonomous Driving (Master) Vinel |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De |
Seminar Linked Data and the Semantic Web (Bachelor) Braun, Käfer |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
3 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Seminar Real-World Challenges in Data Science and Analytics (Bachelor) Thoma, Käfer, Hoellig |
seminar/internship (S/P) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
3 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Seminar Cognitive Automobiles and Robots (Master) Zöllner, Daaboul |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Seminar Advanced Analytics for Road Traffic Noise (Master) Lazarova-Molnar, Demetgül |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
24.10.2024 15:45 05.20 1C-03 |
Engl. |
Seminar Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving (Master) Vinel, Zhao |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
2 |
22.10.2024 09:45 05.20 1C-04 |
De | |
Seminar Information security and Data protection (Bachelor) Schiefer, Ullrich, Volkamer, Werner, Hennig, Raabe |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
21.10.2024 15:45 |
De. |
Oberseminar: Critical Information Infrastructures Sunyaev |
seminar (S) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De | |
Seminar Linked Data and the Semantic Web (Master) Braun, Käfer |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (M.Sc.) |
3 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
Research Seminar: Critical Information Infrastructures Dehling, Sunyaev |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De | |
Oberseminar: Security, Usability and Society Volkamer |
seminar (S) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De | |
Seminar Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles (Master) Vinel |
seminar (S) face-to-face/online mixed |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De |
Compulsory courses at the KIT Department of Informatics for Information Engineering and Management | |||||
Karlsruher Service Research Institute (KSRI) | Anzahl Kurse: Gesamt: 1. Deutsch: 1. Englisch: 1. | ||||
Business Data Analytics Grote, Motz, Schulz |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De./Engl. |
5. Mathematics and Natural Sciences | |||||
6. Engineering Sciences | |||||
7. Law | |||||
8. Courses for students of other KIT Departments | |||||
Institute for Finance | Number of courses: Total: 5. German: 5. English: 0. | ||||
Finance Frontiers Ruckes, Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. | |
Seminar in Finance (Bachelor) Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Forschungsseminar Institut FBV Ruckes, Mitarbeiter, Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) |
not specified not specified |
De. | ||
Finance auf den Punkt gebracht Molnar, Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc., M.Sc.) |
not specified not specified |
De. | |
Forschungsseminar Lehrstuhl FED Mitarbeiter, Uhrig-Homburg |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
not specified not specified |
De. | ||
Institute for Applied Business Studies and Management | |||||
Institute of Information Systems and Marketing | Number of courses: Total: 1. German: 1. English: 0. | ||||
Seminar in Marketing and Sales (Bachelor) Klarmann, Mitarbeiter |
seminar (S) face-to-face |
3 (B.Sc.) |
2 |
not specified not specified |
De. |
Institute for Industrial Production | |||||
Chair of Sustainable Management of Housing and Real Estate | |||||
Institute of Economy | Number of courses: Total: 1. German: 0. English: 1. | ||||
Workshop on Economics, Finance and Statistics Nieken, Puppe, Wigger, Ruckes, Krüger, Ott, Reiß, Uhrig-Homburg, Schienle, Brumm |
seminar (S) |
3 (M.Sc.) |
2 |
23.10.2024 17:30 30.28 Seminarraum 2 (R120) |
Engl. |
Institute of Operations Research | |||||
Other courses | |||||
Internal courses | |||||
University groups | |||||
Others |
Number of courses: Total: 97. German: 71. English: 42.
* The ECTS-Points might require more events than the one listed.