Wiwi Laptops

Students of the KIT Department of Economics and Management can borrow laptops for their student work free of charge



  • A large number of laptops with hardware of varying degrees of up-to-dateness
  • up-to-date Windows operating system
  • current Microsoft Office, Firefox, PDF reader, VPN, ...
  • The software list to be installed can be expanded during the reservation process with free software packages and campus licenses


  • Student of the KIT Department of Economics and Management
  • An academic employee of the faculty must confirm that the notebook is required for the continuation of studies during the reserved period


  • The student fills out a form with the desired period and the name of the confirming employee. Link see below
  • The employee automatically receives an e-mail in which they can confirm the student's details via a link
  • The student receives the confirmation, the service team receives the request to prepare the laptop
  • The laptop can be collected from the service team at the specified time
  • An extension of the loan period is possible via the portal, depending on the devices available

Laptop reservation / request: