Degree programs and course information

Research and studies at KIT Department of Economics and Management are characterized by interdisciplinary networking and a strong focus on current developments. Our department is the largest training center for students of Industrial Engineering and Management in Germany. It also offers a degree program in Economics Engineering (BSc and MSc), as well as one in Information Systems (BSc and MSc, jointly with the Department of Informatics) and one in Business Mathematics (MSc, jointly with the Department of Mathematics).
Course information for exchange students
Exchange students are allowed to choose courses from all study programs offered by our department. Prerequisites or possible restrictions regarding the number of places for individual courses will be announced by the responsible course instructors and included in the course details. Detailed information on the courses offered within our programs is provided in our module handbooks and the KIT course catalogue (cf. below).
Regarding the structure of the module handbook, please note that the first section always provides information on modules, which are only relevant for students seeking a degree at KIT. Exchange students who do not pursue a degree at KIT do not need to fill whole modules when choosing courses at our department, but can select individual courses. You can find links to detailed descriptions of our courses listed in the second part of the module handbook ("Module component exams"). The module handbooks also provide information on ECTS Credits, term, instruction language and study cycle (all Bachelor and Master level courses are contained in the respective handbooks):
Bachelor module handbooks:
- Industrial Engineering and Management (B.Sc.)
- Information Systems (B.Sc.)
- Economics Engineering (B.Sc.)
Master module handbooks:
- Industrial Engineering and Management (M.Sc.)
- Information Systems (M.Sc.)
- Economics Engineering (M.Sc.)
- Business Mathematics (M.Sc.)
While exchange students have to take at least 70% of their courses from study programs offered by their host department, up to 30% of their courses may also be chosen from other KIT departments. However, KIT Department of Economics and Management (Wiwi) cannot account for any participation limitations or policies of courses that are offered by other KIT-departments.
Language courses and courses offered by the KIT House of Competence (HoC) and the KIT Centre for Cultural and General Studies (ZAK) can be selected without consideration of the 70 / 30 % rule. In order to set up your semester schedule, you can access the KIT university calendar.
Instruction language
While, overall, our degree programs are offered in German, for a number of courses the instruction language is English: Courses taught in English
We highly encourage international exchange students to achieve at least an A2/B1 CEFR level of German language proficiency before participating in an exchange program in Germany. However, KIT also offers excellent language courses before and during the lecture periods for international students (more information is provided by the KIT International Students Office).
If you are interested in applying for one of our programs as a degree seeking student, please note the general information of the central admissions office on required German language skills.
Course types
We have three main types of courses at the KIT Department of Economics and Management, which are specified in our module handbooks:
- Vorlesung = lecture
Registration: Usually no prior registration; no compulsory attendance (exceptions possible).
Assessment: exam after the lecture period (exam registration compulsory, cf. FAQ) - Übung / Tutorium = exercise course / tutorial
Registration: Information on registration to this course type will be announced during the first session of the lecture.
Assessment: cf. lecture - Seminar = seminar course
Registration: Limited number of places; prior registration compulsory! Applications start during the previous semester: online or by sending an email to the professor.
Assessment: Graded seminar exercises, such as active participation, group-projects, presentations and papers/homework.
Further information about our programs
(currently only available in German)