Business Mathematics at KIT at a glance

From the summer semester 2016, the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) 2015 with a separate study plan will apply to all first-year students. The previous study and examination regulations from 2009 and their curriculum remain valid for all those who were already enrolled on the degree program before summer semester 2016. However, they also apply to all those who are newly admitted to a higher semester from summer semester 2016. This is always the case if admission is to a semester higher than that reached by the first regular first semester cohort according to SPO 2015. The last opportunity to graduate according to SPO 2009 is in the summer semester 2020.
Further information on the new curriculum

General information

The Business Mathematics degree program was introduced in 1983 as a Diplom degree program at the Karlsruhe University of Technology. This made the University of Karlsruhe (TH) one of the first universities in Germany to recognize the great demand in industry and commerce for mathematicians with advanced knowledge in the field of economics, which continues to this day. Today, business mathematics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) presents itself as a modern, future-oriented and interdisciplinary degree program that combines the subjects of mathematics and economics. The program, which is supported in equal parts by the KIT faculties of mathematics and economics, concludes after a standard period of study of four semesters with the academic degree Master of Science (M.Sc.).

Degree Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Start date Winter semester / Summer semester
Standard period of study 4 semesters
Credit points 120
Course language German
Possibility of a stay abroad Yes
Compulsory internship No
Admission requirements See selection regulations
Admission restriction No
Compulsory subjects

Mathematical Methods

Finance - Risk Management - Managerial Economics

Operations Management - Data Analysis - Computer Science

Economics seminar

Mathematical Seminar

Special feature

Over the course of their Master's degree program, our students can set their focus according to their personal interests and goals. There is a wide range of modules and courses to choose from (see module handbook).


Further information on the degree program Structure, content and objectives of the Master's degree program

We offer our Master's degree program in particular for those who are interested in economic and mathematical topics and issues, like to think in an interdisciplinary and analytical way and are interested in current subject-related research topics.

After completing your Master's degree, you have the option of doing a doctorate or taking up a career.