Placement in higher semesters

Placement in higher semesters offers the possibility of lateral entry into the degree programs of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

It is based on the sum of credit points according to ECTS, which results from all recognized achievements.

(Overview: Minimum credit points for semester classification)

This principle for placement in a semester applies both to students who have changed their place of study (already enrolled at another university) and to students who have changed their degree program. However, if proof of performance in the orientation examination for the target degree program is missing, the student will be placed in the 2nd semester at most.

Admission restrictions to degree programs also apply in the higher semesters. If there are more applicants than free places in the higher semesters, not all applicants can be admitted to higher semesters, even if they formally meet the requirements for this via a corresponding classification.

The number of possible admissions is determined by the number of places available in the respective higher semester.

Placement in higher semesters is based on the recognition of academic achievements.