Study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics

The text of the study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics (B.Sc.) reproduced here is based on the valid version of the examination regulations dated 4 May 2023. No guarantee is given for the correctness of the non-official version. Only the text of the official, printed announcement dated May 4, 2023, as amended, is authoritative.
You can find the official announcements and the study and examination regulations dated May 4, 2023 as a PDF file on the University Administration website.


I. General provisions

These Bachelor's examination regulations govern the course of study, examinations and the completion of the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics at KIT.

  1. The Bachelor's degree course is designed to teach the scientific foundations and methodological skills of the specialist sciences. The aim of the course is to enable students to successfully complete a consecutive Master's degree course and to apply the knowledge they have acquired in a professional context. The course is bilingual and is taught in German and English

  2. The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Digital Economics is awarded on successful completion of the Bachelor's examination.
  1. The degree program participates in the program "Study models of individual speed". Students have access to the courses of the MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg (hereinafter referred to as MINT-Kolleg) up to and including the third semester within the framework of the capacities and regulations there.

  2. The standard period of study is six semesters.

    In the case of qualified participation in the MINT-Kolleg, up to two semesters are not taken into account when counting towards the standard period of study. The specific number of semesters depends on § 8 paragraph 2 sentences 3 to 5.

    Qualified participation is deemed to exist if the students have attended courses of the MINT-Kolleg for at least one semester in the scope of at least two specialist courses (total workload of 10 semester hours per week). The MINT-Kolleg issues a certificate to this effect.

  3. The courses offered in the degree program are divided into subjects, the subjects are divided into modules, and the respective modules are divided into courses. The subjects and their scope are defined in § 20. Further details can be found in the module handbook.
  4. The workload required to complete courses and modules is expressed in credit points (CP). The standards for the allocation of credit points correspond to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One credit point corresponds to a workload of approximately 30 hours. As a rule, the credit points must be distributed evenly over the semesters.

  5. The amount of coursework and examinations required for the successful completion of the degree program is measured in credit points and amounts to a total of 180 credit points.

  6. Courses are offered in German or English.
  1. The Bachelor's examination consists of module examinations. Module examinations consist of one or more performance assessments. Performance assessments are divided into coursework and examinations.

  2. Examinations are

    1. written examinations,
    2. oral examinations or
    3. other types of examinations.

  3. Coursework is written, oral or practical work that is usually completed by students during the course. The Bachelor's examination may not be completed with coursework.

  4. At least 70% of the module examinations should be graded.

  5. In the case of complementary content, the module examinations of several modules may be replaced by a single examination (paragraph 2, numbers 1 to 3), even across modules. The performance assessment for examinations of other types may consist of several components.

  1. In order to take part in the module examinations, students must register online in the student portal for the respective performance assessments. In exceptional cases, registration can be made in writing to the Examination Board. Registration deadlines can be set by the examiners for the performance assessments. Registration for the Bachelor's thesis takes place in the student portal; further details are regulated in the module handbook.

  2. If options are available, students must submit a binding declaration of their choice of module and its assignment to a subject before the first examination in this module when registering for the examination in order to be admitted to an examination in a particular module. At the student's request, the choice of module or the assignment to a subject can be changed retrospectively if the examination is passed. The choice of assessments within the modules remains unaffected by this.

  3. Students must be admitted to a performance assessment who

    1. is enrolled in the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics at KIT (the admission of students on leave of absence is limited to examinations within the meaning of Section 14 (7) sentence 1 of the KIT Admission and Enrollment Regulations) and
    2. proves that he/she fulfills the requirements specified in the module handbook for admission to a performance assessment, and
    3. proves that he or she has not lost the right to take examinations in the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics.

  4. In accordance with Section 30 (5) of the State Higher Education Act, admission to individual compulsory courses may be restricted. The examiner decides on the selection from among the students who have registered in good time by the date set by the examiner, taking into account the progress of these students and taking into account Section 4 (1) sentences 1 and 2 of the statutes on disadvantage-compensating regulations in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the currently valid version, insofar as it is not possible to reduce the backlog through other or additional courses.In the case of equal progress, the KIT faculties must define further criteria. Students will be informed of the result in good time.

  5. Admission must be refused if the requirements specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 are not met.

  1. Success assessments are carried out during the course of study, usually in the course of teaching the content of the individual modules or shortly thereafter.

  2. The type of assessment (Section 4 (2) numbers 1 to 3, (3)) is determined by the examiner of the relevant course in relation to the learning content of the course and the learning objectives of the module. The type of assessment, its frequency, sequence and weighting and, if applicable, the calculation of the module grade must be announced in the module handbook at least six weeks before the start of lectures.With the agreement of the examiner and the student, the type of examination and the examination language can also be changed at a later date; in the first case, however, Section 4 (5) must be taken into account.When organizing examinations, the interests of students in special circumstances must be taken into account in accordance with Section 4 (1) of the Statutes on Disadvantage Compensation in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), as amended. Section 2 and Section 4 (1) sentence 3 of the Statutes on Disadvantage Compensation in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), as amended, apply accordingly.

  3. If the examination workload is unreasonably high, a written examination may also be taken orally, or an oral examination may also be taken in writing. This change must be announced at least six weeks before the examination.

  4. In the case of courses taught in English (Section 3 (5)), the corresponding performance assessments may be conducted in this language. Section 6 (2) applies accordingly.

  5. Written examinations (§ 4 paragraph 2 number 1) are generally to be assessed by an examiner in accordance with § 18 paragraph 2 or 3. If an assessment is carried out by several examiners, the grade is calculated from the arithmetic mean of the individual assessments.If the arithmetic mean does not correspond to any of the grade levels defined in § 7 paragraph 2 sentence 2, the grade shall be rounded up or down to the nearest grade level. If the distance is the same, the grade shall be rounded to the next higher grade level. The assessment procedure shall not exceed six weeks. Written examinations shall last a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 300 minutes.

  6. Oral examinations (§ 4 paragraph 2 number 2) are to be conducted and assessed by several examiners (peer examination) or by one examiner in the presence of an assessor as group or individual examinations. Before determining the grade, the examiner shall consult the other examiners involved in the peer examination. Oral examinations generally last at least 15 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes per student.

    The main topics and results of the oral examination are to be recorded in a protocol. The result of the examination is to be announced to the students following the oral examination.

    Students who wish to take the same examination in a later semester will be admitted as listeners to oral examinations in accordance with the spatial conditions and with the consent of the examinee. Admission does not extend to the consultation and announcement of the examination results.

  7. For examinations of other types (Section 4 (2) no. 3), appropriate deadlines for completion and submission must be set. The nature of the task and appropriate documentation must ensure that the examination work performed can be attributed to the student. The main items and results of such a performance review must be recorded in a report.

    In the case of other types of oral examinations, an assessor must be present in addition to the examiner to sign the minutes.

    Written work as part of an examination of a different type must bear the following declaration: "I declare truthfully that I have prepared the work independently, that I have fully and accurately indicated all the aids used and that I have marked everything that has been taken from the work of others, either unchanged or with modifications." If the work does not bear this declaration, it will not be accepted. The main items and results of the performance assessment must be recorded in a report.

§ 6 a Performance reviews in the answer choice procedure
The statutes of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on the performance of performance assessments in the answer choice procedure shall apply in the currently valid version for the performance of performance assessments in the answer choice procedure.

§ 6 b Online examinations
For the conduct of online examinations, the statutes for the conduct of online examinations at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) shall apply in the currently valid version.

  1. The result of an examination is determined by the respective examiners in the form of a grade. If an examination of another type consists of several components (Section 4 (5) sentence 2 clause 4), a grade is determined for the result of the examination in accordance with clause 1; further details are set out in the module handbook.

  2. The following grades should be used:

    very goodoutstanding performance
    gooda performance that is significantly above the average requirements
    satisfactorya performance that meets average requirements
    sufficienta performance that still meets the requirements despite its shortcomings
    not sufficient (failed)a performance that does not meet the requirements due to significant deficiencies.

    Only the following grades are permitted for the differentiated assessment of individual examination performances:

    1,0; 1,3very good
    1,7; 2,0; 2,3good
    2,7; 3,0; 3,3satisfactory
    3,7; 4,0sufficient
    5,0not sufficient.

  3. Coursework is assessed as "passed" or "failed".

  4. When calculating the weighted averages of the module grades, the subject grades and the overall grade, only the first decimal place after the decimal point is taken into account; all other decimal places are deleted without rounding.

  5. Each module and each performance assessment may only be assessed once in the same degree program.

  6. An examination is passed if the grade is at least "sufficient" (4.0). If an examination of a different type consists of several components, the examination is passed if the grade according to paragraph 1 sentence 2 is at least "sufficient" (4.0).

  7. The module examination is passed if all required performance assessments have been passed. The module examination and the calculation of the module grade should be regulated in the module handbook. If the module handbook does not contain a regulation on the calculation of the module grade, the module grade is calculated from an average grade weighted according to the credit points of the individual examinations. The differentiated grades (paragraph 2) are to be used as initial data when calculating the module grades.

  8. The results of the performance assessments and the credit points earned are administered by the Examination Board.

  9. The grades of the modules of a subject are included in the subject grade with a weighting proportional to the credit points awarded for the modules.

  10. The overall grade of the Bachelor's examination, the subject grades and the module grades are as follows

    up to 1.5very good
    from 1.6 to 2.5good
    from 2.6 to 3.5satisfactory
    from 3.6 to 4.0sufficient
  1. The Economics I: Microeconomics examination and the Statistics I examination must be taken by the end of the second semester (orientation examinations).

  2. Students who have not successfully passed the orientation examinations, including any resits, by the end of the third semester lose their right to take examinations in the degree program, unless they are not responsible for missing the deadline; the Examination Board will decide on this at the student's request. A second resit of the orientation examinations is excluded.

    In particular, the student is not responsible for exceeding the deadline if qualified participation in the MINT course within the meaning of Section 3 (2) has taken place. Without the express approval of the Chair of the Examination Board, exceeding a deadline of

    1. one semester shall be deemed approved if the student provides evidence of qualified participation in the MINT course in accordance with § 3 (2) to the extent of one semester or
    2. two semesters shall be deemed approved if the student provides evidence of qualified participation in the MINT course in accordance with Section 3 (2) for two semesters.

    The certificate to be issued by the MINT-Kolleg in accordance with § 3 (2), which must be submitted to the KIT Student Services, is deemed to be proof. In the case of number 1, the Chair of the Examination Board may extend the deadline by a further semester at the request of the student if this is necessary for reasons of study organization for the timely completion of the orientation examination, in particular because the modules that are part of the orientation examination are only offered once a year.

  3. If the Bachelor's examination, including any retakes, has not been taken in full by the end of the 9th semester, the right to take the examination in the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics expires, unless the student is not responsible for missing the deadline. The decision on an extension of the deadline and on exceptions to the deadline regulation shall be made by the Examination Board, taking into account the activities specified in Section 32 (6) of the State Higher Education Act, upon application by the student. The application must be submitted in writing, usually up to six weeks before the end of the maximum duration of study specified in sentence 1. Paragraph 2 sentences 3 to 5 shall apply accordingly.

  4. The examination entitlement is also lost if a course or examination required under these study and examination regulations has been definitively failed.

  1. Students may repeat a failed written examination (Section 4 (2) no. 1) once. If a written repeat examination is assessed as "insufficient" (5.0), an oral continuation of the repeat examination (oral re-examination) shall take place at the same time. The grade of the repeat examination, which in this case can only be "sufficient" (4.0) or "insufficient" (5.0), shall be determined by the examiners or the examiner, taking appropriate account of the written performance and the result of the oral re-examination. Oral re-examinations generally last at least 15 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes. Section 6 (6) sentences 1 and 2 and sentences 4 and 5 apply accordingly. If a written re-examination is assessed as "insufficient" (5.0) in accordance with Section 11, an oral re-examination is excluded.

  2. Students may repeat a failed oral examination (§ 4 paragraph 2 number 2) once.

  3. Repeat examinations in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 must correspond to the first examination in terms of content, scope and form (oral or written). The responsible examination board may allow exceptions upon request.

  4. Examinations of other types (Section 4 (2) no. 3) may be repeated once.

  5. Coursework may be repeated several times.

  6. The examination is definitively failed if the oral examination within the meaning of paragraph 1 was assessed as "insufficient" (5.0). The examination is also definitively failed if the oral examination within the meaning of paragraph 2 or the examination of another type pursuant to paragraph 4 was assessed twice as "failed".

  7. The module is definitively failed if an examination required to pass it is definitively failed.

  8. A second repetition of the same examination in accordance with Section 4 (2) is only permitted in exceptional cases upon application by the student ("application for a second repetition"). The application must be submitted in writing to the Examination Board, usually within two months of the grade being announced.

    The Examination Board shall decide on a student's first application for a second retake if it approves the application. If the Examination Board rejects this application, a member of the Presidential Board shall decide. A member of the Presidential Board shall decide on further applications for a second retake after the Examination Board has given its opinion. If the application is approved, the second retake must take place by the next but one examination date at the latest. Paragraph 1 sentences 2 and 3 apply accordingly.

  9. It is not permitted to repeat an examination that has been passed.

  10. The Bachelor's thesis may be repeated once if the grade is "insufficient" (5.0). A second repetition of the Bachelor's thesis is not permitted.

  1. Students can withdraw their registration for written examinations without giving reasons until the examination papers are issued (deregistration). Deregistration can be made online in the student portal by midnight on the day before the examination or, in justified exceptional cases, with the Examination Board. If the deregistration is made to the examiner, the examiner must ensure that the deregistration is recorded in the Campus Management System.

  2. In the case of oral examinations, withdrawal must be declared to the examiner at least three working days before the examination date in question. Withdrawal from an oral examination less than three working days before the examination date in question is only possible under the conditions set out in paragraph 5. Withdrawal from oral examinations within the meaning of Section 9 (1) is generally only possible under the conditions of paragraph 5.

  3. Withdrawal from other types of examinations and coursework is regulated in the module handbook.

  4. A performance assessment is deemed to have been assessed as "insufficient" (5.0) if the student misses an examination date without a valid reason or if they withdraw from the performance assessment after it has begun without a valid reason and if the requirements set out in paragraph 5 are not met. The same applies if the Bachelor's thesis is not completed within the scheduled completion time, unless the student is not responsible for the deadline being exceeded.

  5. The reason asserted for the withdrawal after the start of the performance assessment or the failure must be reported to the Examination Board immediately in writing and made credible. In the event of illness of the student or a child or relative in need of care, the submission of a medical certificate may be requested.

  1. If students attempt to influence the result of their performance assessment by cheating or using unauthorized aids, the performance assessment in question will be graded as "fail" (5.0).

  2. Students who disrupt the orderly progress of an assessment may be excluded from continuing the assessment by the examiner or supervisor. In this case, the assessment in question is deemed to have been graded as "fail" (5.0). In serious cases, the Examination Board may exclude these students from taking further assessments.

  3. If students attempt to influence the result of their performance assessment by threatening or influencing the examiner, the performance assessment in question may be assessed as "fail" (5.0). In serious cases, the Examination Board may exclude these students from taking further performance assessments.

  4. Further details are regulated by the KIT General Statutes on Honesty in Examinations and Internships, as amended.

For the compensation of disadvantages for students in special circumstances, the statutes on disadvantage-compensating regulations in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) apply in the currently valid version.

For the compensation of disadvantages for students in special circumstances, the statutes on disadvantage-compensating regulations in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) apply in the currently valid version.

  1. The prerequisite for admission to the Bachelor's thesis module is that the student has successfully completed module examinations amounting to 120 CP, all compulsory modules without elective options from the subjects according to § 20 paragraph 2 numbers 1 to 8 and the seminar module. The Examination Board shall decide on exceptions at the student's request.

  2. The Bachelor's thesis may be assigned by professors at KIT and members of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics who have completed their habilitation. In addition, the Examination Board may authorize other examiners to assign the topic in accordance with Section 18 (2) and (3). Students must be given the opportunity to make suggestions for the topic. If the Bachelor's thesis is to be completed outside the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, this requires the approval of the Examination Board. The Bachelor's thesis may also be approved in the form of a group thesis if the contribution of the individual student to be assessed as an examination performance is clearly distinguishable on the basis of objective criteria that enable a clear distinction and fulfils the requirements of paragraph 4. In exceptional cases, the Chairperson of the Examination Board shall, at the request of the student, ensure that the student receives a topic for the Bachelor's thesis within four weeks. In this case, the topic shall be issued by the Chairperson of the Examination Board.

  3. The topic, task and scope of the Bachelor's thesis must be limited by the supervisor in such a way that it can be completed with the workload specified in paragraph 4.

  4. The Bachelor's thesis should demonstrate that students are able to work independently on a topic from their field of study using scientific methods within a limited period of time. The scope of the Bachelor's thesis corresponds to 12 credit points. The maximum time allowed for completion is six months. The topic and assignment must be adapted to the planned scope. The Bachelor's thesis can be written in German or English. The topic is determined by the examiner when the topic is issued.

  5. When submitting the Bachelor's thesis, students must declare in writing that they have written the thesis independently and have not used any sources or aids other than those specified, that they have marked the passages taken verbatim or in terms of content as such and that they have observed the KIT statutes on safeguarding good scientific practice as amended. If this declaration is not included, the thesis will not be accepted.The declaration can read as follows: "I declare truthfully that I have written the thesis independently, that I have fully and accurately cited all sources and aids used and that I have identified everything that has been taken from the work of others unchanged or with modifications and that I have observed the KIT statutes for safeguarding good scientific practice as amended." If an untrue declaration is submitted, the Bachelor's thesis will be assessed as "insufficient" (5.0).

  6. The date on which the topic of the Bachelor's thesis is issued must be recorded by the supervisor and the student and this must be recorded with the Examination Board. The date on which the Bachelor's thesis is submitted must be recorded with the Examination Board by the examiner. The topic can only be returned once and only within the first month of the completion period. If the student asserts a valid reason, the Examination Board may extend the processing time specified in paragraph 4 by a maximum of one month at the student's request. If the Bachelor's thesis is not submitted on time, it shall be graded as "insufficient" (5.0), unless the student is not responsible for this failure.

  7. The Bachelor's thesis is assessed by at least one university lecturer at KIT or a habilitated member of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and one other examiner. As a rule, one of the examiners is the person who assigned the thesis in accordance with paragraph 2.If these two persons do not agree in their assessment, the Examination Board shall determine the grade of the Bachelor's thesis based on the assessment of these two persons; it may also appoint an additional assessor. The assessment must take place within six weeks of submission of the Bachelor's thesis.
  1. Further credit points (additional credits) amounting to a maximum of 30 ECTS credits can also be acquired from the overall range of courses offered by KIT. § 3 and § 4 of the examination regulations remain unaffected by this. These additional credits are not included in the determination of the overall and module grades. The ECTS credits not taken into account when determining the module grade are listed as additional credits in the transcript of records and marked as additional credits. At the student's request, the additional achievements are included in the Bachelor's certificate and marked as additional achievements. Additional achievements are listed with the grades provided for in § 7.

  2. When registering for an examination in a module, students must declare this as additional work.

§ 15 a Master's preference
Students who have already acquired at least 120 ECTS credits in their Bachelor's degree course can acquire credits from a consecutive Master's degree course at KIT amounting to a maximum of 30 ECTS credits in addition to the additional credits specified in § 15 (1) (Master's preferential credits). § 3 and § 4 of the examination regulations remain unaffected by this.The preferential Master's credits are not included in the determination of the overall, subject and module grades. They are listed in the transcript of records and marked as such and listed with the grades provided for in § 7. § 15 paragraph 2 applies accordingly.

In addition to the teaching of subject-specific qualifications, the development and expansion of interdisciplinary qualifications to the extent of at least 6 CP is part of a Bachelor's degree course. Interdisciplinary qualifications can be taught additively or integratively.

  1. An examination board is formed for the Bachelor's degree program in Digital Economics. It consists of 5 members with voting rights: 4 university lecturers at KIT / private lecturers, one academic staff member at KIT and one student with an advisory vote.If a joint examination board is established for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Digital Economics, the number of students is increased to two members with an advisory vote, with one of these two members generally coming from the Bachelor's degree program and one from the Master's degree program. The term of office of the non-student members is two years, that of the student member is one year.

  2. The chairperson, his/her deputy, the other members of the Examination Board and their deputies are appointed by the KIT Faculty Council, the academic staff at KIT and the students on the recommendation of the members of the respective group; reappointment is possible. The chairperson and his/her deputy must be university lecturers at KIT. The chairperson of the Examination Board is responsible for day-to-day business and is supported by the respective Examination Secretariat.

  3. The examination board ensures compliance with the provisions of these study and examination regulations and makes decisions in examination matters. It decides on the recognition of periods of study as well as study and examination achievements and makes the determination in accordance with § 19 paragraph 1 sentence 1.It regularly reports to the KIT Faculty on the development of examination and study periods, including the processing times for Bachelor's theses and the distribution of module and overall grades. It is responsible for suggestions for the reform of the study and examination regulations and for module descriptions. The Examination Board decides by a majority of its votes. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson of the Examination Board decides.

  4. The Examination Board may delegate the completion of its tasks to the Chairperson of the Examination Board for all regular cases. In urgent matters that cannot wait until the next meeting of the Examination Committee to be dealt with, the Chairperson of the Examination Committee shall decide.

  5. The members of the examination board have the right to attend the examinations. The members of the examination board, the examiners and the assessors are bound to secrecy. If they are not in public service, they must be sworn to secrecy by the chairperson.

  6. In matters of the Examination Board that concern an examination to be taken at another KIT faculty, a competent person authorized to examine and to be named by the KIT faculty concerned must be consulted at the request of a member of the Examination Board.

  7. Incriminating decisions by the Examination Board must be communicated in writing. They must be substantiated and include information on legal remedies. Students must be given the opportunity to comment before a decision is made. Appeals against decisions by the Examination Board must be submitted to the Examination Board within one month of receipt of the decision. The member of the Presidential Board responsible for teaching decides on appeals.
  1. The examination committee appoints the examiners and can delegate the appointment to the chairperson.

  2. Examiners are university lecturers at KIT, habilitated members and academic staff at KIT who belong to the KIT faculty and to whom the authority to examine has been transferred in accordance with § 14 paragraph 2, § 14 b paragraph 1 number 1 of the KIT Act in conjunction with § 52 paragraph sentence 6 half-sentence 2 of the State Higher Education Act. § Only those who have acquired at least the academic qualification corresponding to the respective examination subject may be appointed.

  3. If courses are taught by persons other than those named in paragraph 2, they should be appointed as examiners if they can provide evidence of the qualification required in accordance with paragraph 2 sentence 2.

  4. The assessors shall be appointed by the examiners. Only persons who have acquired at least one academic qualification corresponding to the respective examination subject may be appointed as assessors.
  1. Study and examination achievements as well as periods of study completed in degree programmes at state or state-recognized universities and vocational academies in the Federal Republic of Germany or at foreign state or state-recognized universities will be recognized upon application by the student, provided that there is no significant difference in the competences acquired compared to the achievements or degrees that are to be replaced. An overall assessment is to be made rather than a schematic comparison. The principles of the ECTS are applied with regard to the scope of a study and examination achievement submitted for recognition (crediting).

  2. Students must submit the documents required for recognition. Students who are newly enrolled on the Digital Economics degree programme must submit the application with the documents required for recognition within the first semester after enrolment. In the case of documents that are not in German or English, an officially certified translation may be required. The burden of proof that the application does not meet the requirements for recognition lies with the Examination Board.

  3. If credits are awarded for work that was not completed at KIT, they will be shown as "recognized" on the transcript. If grades are available, the grades will be adopted, provided the grading systems are comparable, and included in the calculation of the module grades and the overall grade. If the grading systems are not comparable, the grades can be converted. If no grades are available, the note "passed" is included.

  4. When recognizing coursework and examinations completed outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the equivalence agreements approved by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder and the German Rectors' Conference as well as agreements within the framework of university partnerships must be observed.

  5. Knowledge and skills acquired outside the higher education system are recognized if they are equivalent in terms of content and level to the study and examination achievements that are to be replaced and the institution in which the knowledge and skills were acquired has a standardized quality assurance system. Recognition may be refused in part if more than 50 percent of the higher education studies are to be replaced.

  6. The examination board is responsible for recognition and credit transfer. The relevant subject representatives must be consulted when determining whether there is a significant difference within the meaning of paragraph 1. The examination board decides on the placement in a higher semester depending on the type and scope of the coursework and examinations to be credited.

II Bachelor's examination

  1. The Bachelor's examination consists of the module examinations according to paragraph 2 and the Bachelor's thesis module (§ 14).

  2. Module examinations must be taken in the following subjects:

    1. Digital Economics: Module(s) amounting to 24 CP,
    2. Economics: module(s) amounting to 19 CP,
    3. Business Administration: module(s) worth 10 CP,
    4. Computer Science: module(s) worth 19 CP,
    5. Mathematics: module(s) worth 16 CP,
    6. Statistics and econometrics: module(s) worth 15 CP
    7. Operations Research: module(s) worth 5 CP
    8. Social sciences: module(s) worth 18 CP
    9. Elective area: module(s) amounting to 42 CP.

The modules available for selection and their subject allocation are specified in the module handbook.

The teaching of interdisciplinary qualifications to the extent of 6 CP in accordance with § 16 takes place within the framework of the subject-specific modules in accordance with sentence 1.

  1. The Bachelor's examination is passed if all module examinations listed in § 20 have been passed.

  2. The overall grade of the Bachelor's examination is calculated from the average of all subject grades and the grade of the Bachelor's thesis, each weighted according to their credit points. The grades of the subjects according to § 20 paragraph 2 number 1 and number 9 are taken into account with 1.5 times the value and the grade of the Bachelor's thesis with twice the value of its credit points.

  3. If students have completed the Bachelor's thesis with a grade of 1.0 and the Bachelor's examination with an average of 1.2 or better, the grade "with distinction" is awarded.
  1. A Bachelor's degree certificate and a transcript of records are issued after the final examination has been assessed. The Bachelor's degree certificate and transcript of records should be issued no later than three months after the final examination has been taken. The Bachelor's degree certificate and transcript of records are issued in German and English.The Bachelor's degree certificate and the transcript of records bear the date of successful completion of the last examination. These documents are issued to the students together. The Bachelor's degree certificate certifies the award of the academic Bachelor's degree. The Bachelor's degree certificate is signed by the President and the KIT Dean of the KIT Faculty and bears the KIT seal.

  2. The certificate contains the subject and module grades as well as the credit points allocated to the modules and subjects and the overall grade. If a differentiated assessment of individual examinations was carried out in accordance with § 7 para. 2 sentence 2, the corresponding decimal grade is also shown on the certificate; § 7 para. 4 remains unaffected. The certificate is to be signed by the KIT Dean of the KIT Faculty and the Chairperson of the Examination Board.

  3. Together with the certificate, students receive a Diploma Supplement in German and English, which corresponds to the specifications of the respective valid ECTS Users' Guide, as well as a Transcript of Records in German and English.

  4. The transcript of records contains all coursework and examinations completed in a structured form. This includes all subjects and subject grades including the assigned credit points, the modules assigned to the respective subject with the module grades and assigned credit points as well as the performance assessments assigned to the modules including grades and assigned credit points. Paragraph 2 sentence 2 applies accordingly. The transcript of records should clearly show the assignment of performance assessments to the individual modules. Credited coursework and examinations are to be included in the transcript of records. All additional achievements are listed in the Transcript of Records.

  5. The Bachelor's certificate, the Bachelor's diploma and the Diploma Supplement including the Transcript of Records are issued by KIT Student Services.

III Final provisions

If students have definitively failed the Bachelor's examination, they will be issued a written certificate upon request and upon presentation of the certificate of exmatriculation, which contains the coursework and examinations completed and their grades and indicates that the examination has been failed overall. The same applies if the right to take the examination has expired.

  1. If students have cheated in an examination and this fact becomes known after the certificate has been issued, the grades of the module examinations in which they cheated can be corrected. If necessary, the module examination can be declared "insufficient" (5.0) and the Bachelor's examination can be declared "failed".

  2. If the requirements for admission to an examination were not met without the student intending to deceive and this fact only becomes known after the certificate has been issued, this deficiency shall be remedied by passing the examination. If the student has deliberately obtained admission wrongly, the module examination may be declared "insufficient" (5.0) and the Bachelor's examination may be declared "failed".

  3. The student must be given the opportunity to comment before a decision is made by the Examination Board.

  4. The incorrect certificate must be withdrawn and a new one issued if necessary. The Bachelor's certificate must also be withdrawn with the incorrect certificate if the Bachelor's examination was declared "failed" due to cheating

  5. A decision in accordance with paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 sentence 2 is excluded after a period of five years from the date of the certificate.

  6. Withdrawal of the academic degree is governed by Section 36 (7) of the State Higher Education Act.
  1. Upon completion of the Bachelor's examination, students are granted access to the examination copy of their Bachelor's thesis, the related reports and the examination records within one year of application.

  2. A period of one month after the announcement of the examination result applies for the inspection of written module examinations, written partial module examinations or examination records.

  3. The examiner determines the time and place of inspection.

  4. Examination documents must be kept for at least five years.

These study and examination regulations come into force on October 1, 2023.