Additional services

The examination regulations of the business and economics degree programs regulate the possibility of taking examinations that do not count towards the degree in the degree program in addition to the examinations required by the curriculum. Such voluntary examinations can be taken and documented as additional work. Additional work is generally recorded as individual examinations without module allocation.

However, the registration of an additional achievement in the system requires a modular assignment. In the WiWi degree programs, we have therefore set up "auxiliary modules" with the title of the respective subject, under which the individual achievement can then be registered. The "status language" of these modules in the system corresponds to that of the curricular modules and is sometimes confusing. An additional module "started" in this way does not have to be completed. A failed examination in the additional modules does not have to be repeated.

Achievements that are not stored in the curriculum must be created beforehand so that registration via the system is possible. This is done via email contact with the WiWi examinations office. As a rule, the consent of the lecturer concerned must be obtained and submitted beforehand.

It is also possible to take "real" modules as additional work. These can then also be included in the transcript of records under the module title with the number of credits and grade. Individual achievements, on the other hand, are not documented by name in the transcript of records but - if they are to be included - only generically under the title of the auxiliary module with the total number of CPs achieved in it and without a grade. However, the individual achievement is listed in the transcript of records.

Depending on the SPO requirements, a limited or unlimited number of additional credits can be taken. The grade achieved is not taken into account when calculating the final grade. Additional work is always listed in the transcript of records and shown with a grade.
Additional coursework can, but does not have to be included in your own curriculum. (see below).

Special regulation: external coursework or examinations as recognized additional work

Documentation as an additional achievement offers the possibility of officially documenting achievements that are not anchored in the curriculum and showing them as an additional achievement in the degree program on a central KIT document. External achievements, e.g. from studies abroad or previous studies, which can be recognized under the name of an original KIT examination, are also permitted as additional achievements. However, the Examination Board does not support the recognition of an external course or examination achievement under its original title or as a special lecture [module title]. In this case, the KIT reference is not recognizable or not given, an added value compared to the already existing documentation on the original performance documents is also not comprehensible (exceptions are possible for valid reasons, e.g. to fulfill an LP requirement of an exchange program).

Classification under examination law

An examination that was registered and taken as an additional performance cannot be subsequently rebooked in the grading area. Additional work is not taken into account when calculating the overall grade. A failed examination can be repeated once (but does not have to be). Failure to pass twice is considered a "definitive failure", but does not result in the loss of admission to the degree program or the loss of the right to take examinations. A second resit is excluded. The student can decide, in accordance with their specific SPO regulations, whether additional achievements are to be included in the transcript of records; currently, documentation in the transcript of records is only possible in all WiWi degree programs if the additional achievement corresponds to a curricular module in a KIT degree program. Successfully completed additional individual achievements that do not cover a curricular KIT degree program module are documented as additional achievements in the transcript of records. No application is required for this.

An additional module is shown on the transcript with the module grade achieved.
Please note. If additional work is to be completed after the official completion of the degree program, SLE Student Services must be informed in good time before the last curricular examination is taken.SLE/Student Services will send an e-mail with appropriate instructions when all achievements for the successful completion of the degree program are available.

Special function

  1. Passed elective examinations from the assessment area (curricular area) can be rebooked retrospectively (possible until the degree is generated in the system, after that no longer possible). This transfer can also be made to the additional performance area, e.g. to take another elective examination in the module. The decision to transfer to the additional credit area is binding. Subsequent rebooking to the assessment area is not possible.
  2. In the Bachelor's degree (according to the SPO before 2015), examinations can also be booked as additional work in anticipation of a WiWi Master's degree at KIT. The procedure is the same as for the Master's preferential work. The same regulations apply.
  3. After enrollment in the Master's program, curricularly coherent additional achievements can be claimed for crediting in the Master's program via the "Mastervorzugsleistung" form in the WiWi-Portal. However, this is only possible if the course is still included in the Master's curriculum. The deadline for submitting the application is one semester after the start of the Master's program. After that, the right to credit expires.

Admission restrictions

Please note: The various WiWi-SPOs may contain specific regulations on the admission of additional credits.