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Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science [T-WIWI-111305]

Examination of another type
Each term



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Course Number Name SWS Type
WS22 2530357Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science 4 project (PRO)
SS24 2500016Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science 4 project (PRO)
WS21 2530357Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science 4 internship (P)
SS22 2530357Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science 4 internship (P)
SS21 2530357Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science 4 internship (P)


Course Number Name Appointments
SS21 2530357 Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science
SS21 2530357 Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science
SS21 2530357 Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science
SS21 2530357 Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science

Competence Certificate

Due to the professor’s research sabbatical, the BSc module “Financial Data Science” and MSc module “Foundations for Advanced Financial -Quant and -Machine Learning Research” and the MSc module “Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science” along with the respective examinations will not be offered in SS2023. Bachelor and Master thesis projects are not affected and will be supervised.

The assessment is carried out in form of a written thesis based on the course "Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science".


The course is targeted to students with a major in Data Science and/or Machine Learning. It offers students the opportunity to develop hands-on knowledge on new developments in data science and machine learning. Please apply via the link: https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu/forms/form/fbv-ulrich-msc-project

An online meetup will be offered at 14:00 on Tuesday of the first week of summer semester 2022 (i.e., 19.04.2022).