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Electives in Informatics [M-WIWI-101630]

Jedes Semester
1 Semester



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Identifier Name LP
T-WIWI-109249 Sociotechnical Information Systems Development 4.5
T-WIWI-102666 Knowledge Discovery 4.5
T-WIWI-102668 Enterprise Architecture Management 4.5
T-WIWI-113026 Trustworthy Emerging Technologies 4.5
T-WIWI-103112 Web Science 4.5
T-WIWI-112243 Machine Learning on Graphs 4.5
T-WIWI-109799 Process Mining 4.5
T-WIWI-110346 Supplement Enterprise Information Systems 4.5
T-WIWI-110372 Supplement Software- and Systemsengineering 4.5
T-WIWI-109985 Project Lab Cognitive Automobiles and Robots 5
T-WIWI-112914 Advanced Lab Realization of Innovative Services (Master) 4.5
T-WIWI-106423 Information Service Engineering 4.5
T-WIWI-110548 Advanced Lab Informatics (Master) 4.5
T-WIWI-109786 Advanced Lab Security 4.5
T-WIWI-110848 Semantic Web Technologies 4.5
T-WIWI-109246 Digital Health 4.5
T-WIWI-106341 Machine Learning 2 – Advanced Methods 4.5
T-WIWI-109248 Critical Information Infrastructures 4.5
T-WIWI-108439 Advanced Lab Security, Usability and Society 4.5
T-WIWI-109983 Project Lab Machine Learning 5
T-WIWI-111125 Advanced Lab Sociotechnical Information Systems Development (Master) 4.5
T-WIWI-110143 Emerging Trends in Internet Technologies 4.5
T-WIWI-113059 Human Factors in Autonomous Driving 4.5
T-WIWI-113363 Collective Perception in Autonomous Driving 4.5
T-WIWI-106340 Machine Learning 1 - Basic Methods 4.5
T-WIWI-109270 Human Factors in Security and Privacy 4.5
T-WIWI-112685 Modeling and Simulation 4.5
T-WIWI-111126 Advanced Lab Blockchain Hackathon (Master) 4.5
T-WIWI-102680 Computational Economics 4.5
T-WIWI-110863 Introduction to Data Science 4.5
T-WIWI-110144 Emerging Trends in Digital Health 4.5
T-WIWI-102697 Business Process Modelling 4.5
T-WIWI-102895 Software Quality Management 4.5
T-WIWI-102661 Database Systems and XML 4.5
T-WIWI-112966 Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving 4.5
T-WIWI-102679 Nature-Inspired Optimization Methods 4.5
T-WIWI-102669 Strategic Management of Information Technology 4.5
T-WIWI-102667 Management of IT-Projects 4.5
T-WIWI-113629 Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation 4.5
T-WIWI-112599 Management of IT-Projects 4.5
T-WIWI-110339 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services 4
T-WIWI-110339 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services 4.5
T-WIWI-109251 Selected Issues in Critical Information Infrastructures 4.5
T-WIWI-112690 Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles 4.5

Competence Certificate

The assessment is carried out as partial exams of the examination regulation) of the single courses of this module, whose sum of credits must meet the minimum requirement of credits of this module. For passing the module exam in every singled partial exam the respective minimum requirements has to be achieved.

The examinations are offered every semester. Re-examinations are offered at every ordinary examination date. The assessment procedures are described for each course of the module separately.

When every singled examination is passed, the overall grade of the module is the average of the grades for each course weighted by the credits and truncated after the first decimal.

Competence Goal

The student

  • has the ability to master methods and tools in a complex discipline and to demonstrate innovativeness regarding the methods used,
  • knows the principles and methods in the context of their application in practice,
  • is able to grasp and apply the rapid developments in the field of computer science, which are encountered in work life, quickly and correctly, based on a fundamental understanding of the concepts and methods of computer science,
  • is capable of finding and defending arguments for solving problems.




The thematic focus will be based on the choice of courses in the areas of Applied Technical Cognitive Systems, Business Information Systems, Critical Information Infrastructures, Information Service Engineering, Security - Usability - Society or Web Science. 


The total workload for this module is approximately 270 hours.