Work placement, procedure for recognition


For students in the Information Management degree program

Internship position and examiner

The student is responsible for finding a company that offers him/her a work placement with study-related content.

With the offer for the internship position, the student contacts a lecturer from their degree program who is to carry out the performance review for the internship. It is advisable that the lecturer is closely related to the intended activities of the internship.

After completing the internship, a reference from the internship position and a short report on the internship should be submitted to the institute that carries out the performance review (not handwritten!). If the performance review is successful, the certificate of achievement will be issued by the institute and forwarded to the Office of Student Affairs via the Examinations Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

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Once the examiner and internship position have been determined, the form for registration of the compulsory internship is completed, countersigned by all persons named on it and submitted to the Examinations Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

An approval is usually issued there within two weeks (notification by e-mail after completion), from which it can be seen that the named internship can be credited to the compulsory internship in the degree program. In addition, a form for the certificate of the completed compulsory internship is prepared, which must be submitted to the institute where the performance review for the internship is carried out.


Both certificates are issued at the WiWi Library counter.

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Certificate of employment

The reference must include the following formalities

  • Official letterhead of the company or official internship evaluation form,
  • Signature of a responsible employee of the company.


The following information must be included in the reference:

  • Company/location,
  • Information about the employment relationship (explicitly "internship"),
  • Information on the duration of the internship, weekly working hours and any interruptions to working hours (e.g. vacation, sick days)
  • Type of activity/activities and department/departments,
  • Evaluation of the intern and his/her work in the company.


Example of an internship certificate

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Internship report and presentation

Short report


The self-compiled short report comprises a maximum of 2 DIN A4 pages (not handwritten!). It is signed by the intern. A countersignature by an employee of the company is not required.

The short report is a description of the completed internship from the intern's point of view. In preparation for the subsequent presentation, it shows how the tasks set were implemented and establishes a link between the activities completed and the teaching context in the degree program. In addition to the factual presentation, the short report also offers the opportunity for critical comment.

a Example of an internship report




The short presentation can be given as part of a discussion with the examiner, a colloquium or a seminar. Approx. 15 minutes are allowed for the presentation and approx. 5 minutes for a subsequent discussion.
The exact arrangement will be made with the examiner when registering for the internship.


If the performance assessment is successful, the certificate of achievement will be issued by the institute and forwarded directly to the Office of Student Affairs via the Examinations Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.