Seminars in the Information Management degree program (SPO 2005 and 2009)
As part of the Bachelor's degree program in Information Management (SPO 2005), at least one seminar worth at least 1 credit point and a maximum of 4 credit points must be completed in the modules in each subject (Computer Science, Economics and Law), which is included in the module grade.
As part of the Master's degree course in Information Management (SPO 2006), a seminar worth at least 1 credit point and a maximum of 4 credit points can be included in the module grade.
Required achievements
The following achievements are generally required for the successful completion of a seminar:
- Active participation in the seminar,
- Preparation of a seminar paper on one aspect of the seminar topic (time required: at least 80 hours) and
- presentation during one of the seminar dates.
The corresponding seminars are listed under generic titles in the individual modules. The current seminars offered are announced before each semester via the current course catalog or notices posted by the institutes, e.g. on their websites.
Registration and crediting
Registration for seminars and the booking of seminar credits in the study office is not done via online registration.
As a rule, the current seminar topics for each semester are announced at the end of the previous semester. When planning the seminar module, please note that some seminars require registration at the end of the previous semester.
A simple form is available for registering for seminars at the Office of Student Affairs. The current seminar title (course catalog) and the topic of the seminar paper must be entered on this form. The title of the seminar paper must also be entered. The assessment of the seminar and the module assignment must be completed by the respective examiner and the module coordinator. Both must also sign the form.